3 years on and I won a 12 week countdown back to my local Slimming world group plus a diary and felt this was a huge sign that I should get back on it! I realised I had gained a couple of stone during this time so was determined to get back on the Slimming world track!
I want to thank you to my consultant Lia Voong, who is very supportive and honest in what we need to think about and do. The group is equally supportive and the people volunteering were there during my first session so it's like one big supportive slimming world family. I am now volunteering too so I can keep on top of my weight loss/healthy food plan with no excuses.
I kept looking for blogs for inspiration on mums doing Slimming world (which I know there are MANY) but could not find many at all! There is minimums and mumsnet where there is lots of chat and there is a blogger via good to know website who followed it....https://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/wellbeing/my-diet-diary-mum-slimming-world-diary-289995
I know that there will be people it may not work for whether they are in the right frame of mind or not, they feel they need to portion food and learn to eat healthly a different way or through a different method, I totally respect your choice. Lets face it everyone makes choices in life and if it works its a bonus. It has worked for me twice and I just want to share this with those of you who are wondering what it is all about or those who need motivation/inspiration. I will post a photo of me at my heaviest and how I look now and I feel proud that I was able to do it and I feel good/healthy able to run after my 4 year old and I never feel deprived or starved. I definitely eat more than 5 a day and my son has a good diet too as he LOVES his fruit and generally likes most vegetables.
So share away your family friendly recipes which your children love eating and I will post them up here after trying them out myself. Any excuse for a new recipe! I love the 5 ingredient Slimming world book and have to say it is one of their best recipe books. This makes shopping much easier and with young children and most mums need easy/quick shopping trips preferably without the meltdowns.....
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