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Tricky days....

Some days are more tricky than others.... We try to keep to plan but things like weddings and birthdays, holidays and other events get in the way. However I am not beating myself up over it as it is one time, and lets face it unless you know millions of people you will not be going every single day!
I know that you will get told to make good choices and what things could you go for? I have tried that but this plan has to be realistic to you. I try to stay to plan as much as poss then I see dessert or I see that one item I love to eat and that's that but I believe if you tell that little voice in your head its ok Im going to have that but try to bulk up on salad and fruit then go for it. I then feel less stressed by the whole experience.
I have a little holiday break coming up and I'm looking forward to not cooking and enjoying myself! Yes i want to be at target and that wont change. Once I'm back from holiday I'll get back onto plan and no probs.
I'm not a consultant and I don't want to sabotage your thinking, what works for you, works so don't break it!
With Autumn being here I have started making soups and slow cooking recipes. I love the pulled pork recipe and it leaves us with at least 2 days worth. Jacket potatoes are all baked in the oven and frozen ready to heat up alongside it and some speed veg Yummmmmmmmmmm
pulled pork recipe here ot even has a video to show you how easy it is! I will post my butternut squash recipe which is very easy to follow tomorrow.
Half term is coming up fast folks so be prepared ;) well as prepared as anyone can be! Need to keep slow cooker so I can spend a bit more time with my little one and not hear "MUMMMYY I NEEEEEDDD YOUUUUUUUU" around the house.
Anyone got good  slow cooker recipes they like or enjoy with their family???? Please post....
